There are many different ways that you could minimize the amount you pay for your winter energy bills. Air Patrol Air Conditioning can help you keep your furnace clean and functional so that it works as efficiently as possible. Our furnace tune-up services could end up saving you a lot of money. There are several other ways you could use less energy while staying comfortable throughout the winter.
Keeping the shades of south-facing windows open during the day can allow sunlight to warm your home. After the sun has set, it’s important to lower shades in order to add a layer of insulation to your windows. This will prevent heat from escaping through the glass.
It’s easy to add an extra blanket to your bed and drop your thermostat 10 degrees every night. By doing this, you could save 10 percent on your energy bills.
If you start to feel a little chilled in your home, consider adding an extra layer of clothing to your body instead of turning the heat up. Using cozy winter clothes could let you keep your home at a lower temperature and end up saving you a lot of money.
Having quality insulation in your house is important. While wall insulation helps with trapping heat, insulation in your roof is even more important. Using ceiling fans to drive rising warm air down to the lower parts of a room can also help you keep a space at a warm temperature.
Air Patrol Air Conditioning is proud to offer comprehensive heating services. Whether you need us to install a new furnace, repair your existing one, or make sure that everything is working as efficiently as possible, we can help. Our experienced technicians are based out of Farmers Branch, TX, and dedicated to complete customer satisfaction. We receive great reviews on Angie’s List and put customer needs as our top priority. Our NATE-certified technicians have been serving the area since 2003. Give us a call today and see for yourself why our services are so trusted!